CUBS is easy to integrate into your company's existing systems


CUBS works with partners who provide relevant complementary solutions, and we offer a range of standard integration options.

CUBS is an open system. We offer a number of well-documented APIs that make it easy for your IT department or IT vendor to integrate your CUBS billing solution with your other IT systems such as your financial system, CRM system or website.

CUBS also offers a number of standard integrations that quickly and easily tie the solution together with other relevant IT systems.

Financial system

Simple integration into your financial system with our general integration module that outputs accounting data that can be easily loaded as accounting journals in any financial system.


If you use Visma e-conomic, we offer an integration module that means that accounting data flows automatically into your e-conomic financial system.


Send chargeback files directly from CUBS to Mastercard Payment Service.


CUBS integrates with Mobilepay and supports charging through the Mobilepay subscriptions solution.


Pay by credit card via standard integration to epay.


Power the debt collection process with Debbie. CUBS gives you the opportunity to submit claims that need to be collected directly in the Debbie collection system.

North Pool

If you have an agreement with Nordpool, you can download spot prices on the electricity market directly into CUBS and use this to create prices for consumption settlement.

Energinet Data Service

Get spot prices in the electricity market directly into CUBS from Energinet Data Service and use this to create prices for billing your electricity customers.

Mandate EUmail

Send mail with Mandaa EUmail - a 100% GDPR secure platform - for sending transactional emails from the CUBS system to your customers.


If you need to send electronic invoices to government customers and companies, this can be done via standard integration with SPROOM.


With webhook, you can let CUBS notify other IT systems of specific CUBS events.

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